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Training & Supervision

Do you believe that people who are
justice-involved should be represented in their full humanity? That everyone is more than the worst thing they have done?

We do too. That is why we have created a comprehensive training in mitigation. Our training provides participants with a process that will help their clients to reclaim their dignity, to look at their life’s trajectory and what factors led to their criminal behavior. Clients are able to feel empathy for those that may have been harmed as a result of the criminal behavior they are responsible for, and to feel and express remorse for the wrongdoing. Simultaneously, we are balancing the extent to which the client is or is not responsible by clarifying and advocating for the facts. Our restorative approach makes meaning of the actions that led to the client’s justice involvement and guides clients to embody their new awareness.

Cori Chertoff, an expert mitigation specialist and restorative justice practitioner and Rebecca Stone, an LCSW psychotherapist and Director of Brooklyn Somatic Therapy, will share their paradigm that has led to hundreds of successful outcomes in federal and state sentencing, parole and clemency. Their approach seeks to move beyond the adversarial systems to find common ground for all stakeholders and to inspire compassionate decision making for each client.

Upcoming Comprehensive mitigation training program

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our mitigation training includes:

– Navigating the criminal justice system

– Understanding the adversarial roles of prosecutors and defense attorneys

-Effective collaboration between the attorney and mitigation specialist

-Meeting the guideline requirements to achieve a positive sentencing outcome

-The parameters of achieving a lenient or alternative sentence

-Strategies for successful parole and clemency decisions

-How to prepare a compelling mitigation submission

-Development of information-gathering skills

-Effective interviewing techniques

-Mitigating and Aggravating factors and how to work with them

-Trauma and it’s impact on human development and criminal behavior

-Identifying disabilities as mitigating factors

-Deciding whether a neuro-psych exam will benefit your client

-Working with your client to understand their life’s trajectory to be able to connect the dots that led to their criminal behavior

-How to support the client to overcome the barriers of shame so as to express full remorse

-Compelling letters of support (what works and how to spot red flags)

-The narrative arc: How to tell your client’s story

-Framing your arguments in terms of efficacy, safety and fairness

-How to use scholarly research to support your narrative

-Enhancing your submission with a mitigation video: A comprehensive look at what helps and what hurts your case